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Human Risk & Awareness: Effective measures against cyber threats

Human Risk & Awareness: Effective measures against cyber threats

The human firewall is the first and most important line of defence in the fight against cyberattacks. With the DriveLock Human Risk & Awareness solution, DriveLock is expanding its portfolio with an additional solution to strengthen the security awareness of employees.


A. Why is awareness of security risks crucial?

When we think of cyberattacks, the image of anonymous hackers who use sophisticated methods to gain access to a system and compromise it often comes to mind. Behind these attacks are often criminal organisations that specifically exploit the biggest weakness in the IT security architecture - people themselves.

A quick click can often be the trigger for a devastating attack. This is why the human factor is considered to be the most essential, but also the most vulnerable element of a comprehensive security concept.

Employees are the first and most important line of defence against cyberattacks. If they develop a keen awareness of possible attack scenarios, they can respond appropriately and thus make a significant contribution to the security of the company. 


B. Identifying security risks and awareness levels

Cyber criminals often use explosive situations, such as recent pandemics or wars, to target people exactly where they are vulnerable: in their emotions. For this reason, attacks using spear phishing or CEO fraud (fake emails purporting to be from the management) work particularly well.

This makes it all the more important to continuously educate employees about these methods and sensitise them to security risks.

With DriveLock Human Risk & Awareness, you first identify the security awareness level in a targeted manner and thus also a potential threat to departments, roles, teams or individuals. Based on this, you can optimise your training measures accordingly. After all, building security awareness is essential for strengthening the ‘human firewall’.  With the knowledge gained, you can find suitable target groups and occasions for training and determine a sensible frequency for these.

It is also possible to document the measures in the context of security requirements such as GDPR, ISO 27001/2 and others.


C. Our solution strength the human firewall

DriveLock Human Risk & Awareness includes effective measures to prevent human error. This is what our solutions have to offer:

  1. Risk analysis and new measurement methods for evaluating the effectiveness of cybersecurity training and automated training programmes based on a detailed risk analysis.
  2. Easy integration into existing human resource management systems.
  3. Real-time monitoring of training programmes, attendance and results as well as comprehensive reports to track the progress and development of security awareness.
  4. Quick and easy testing of security awareness and knowledge of information security, both for you and your colleagues.
  5. Targeted identification of vulnerable departments, roles, teams, and individuals.
  6. Simple measurement of the effectiveness of security training and awareness programs.
  7. Effective prevention of cyber threats due to misconduct.
  8. Scientific methodology for risk-based behavioral analysis.


D. Advantages of DriveLock Human Risk & Awareness




The rapid and targeted identification of departments, roles, teams and individuals at risk.


Creation of reports

The creation of reports on compliance with important security controls such as GDPR, PCI, HIPAA, SOX, ISO 27001/2, FISMA, CCPA, NERC as well as NIST, NIS2, CIS and SANS.


Raising awareness

Training employees to identify potential risks and improve their behaviour in relation to safety risks.


Increased time and efficiency

Saving time and resources through automation to provide security managers with an overview and help them select targeted training courses.


E. Summary

DriveLock Human Risk & Awareness records and analyses the cybersecurity knowledge and security behaviour of your employees in order to initiate targeted training measures. The detailed risk analysis allows you to identify weaknesses and potential for improvement more quickly and effectively.

In addition, real-time monitoring of training programmes, attendance and results enables ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of security awareness measures.

Integration into personnel management systems facilitates the administration and tracking of training courses.

Make an appointment with us and find out more.


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