Want to know how you can protect data in authorities and public institutions from loss? This white paper provides tips for the necessary IT security measures.
Security compliance for the regulatory and public sector with DriveLock Zero Trust Platform
As part of the critical infrastructure, the public sector has particularly high demands on the security of data and IT systems.
The security requirement from the citizens and the control organisations in government institutions and organisations are high. Standards such as those of the BSI and the GDPR must be met. DriveLock security ecosystem, with its Zero Trust solutions, ensures noticeable relief in IT operations while maintains the maximum data security.
Authorities are part of the critical infrastructure. The local, state, federal and especially the society demand high data and IT systems security.
There are numerous mandatory security requirements for sensitive information, including personal data of every citizen and foreigner.
These range from device control to access rights, networks, data, to documentation. There are also eGovernment laws which regulate protection concepts and mechanisms of the digital government systems.
DriveLock Application Control and Device Control reliably protect IT systems and devices from unauthorised access and data loss.
Want to know how you can protect data in authorities and public institutions from loss? This white paper provides tips for the necessary IT security measures.
DriveLock's Device Control and Application Control solutions are certified according to Common Criteria EAL 3+ by the independent Swedish CSEC authority.
DriveLock and its partner, CANCOM Public GmbH, are listed in the “Kaufhaus“, an electronic purchasing platform for the Federal Government.
Mutual Respect is an important ingredient that makes the partnership between UBM GmbH and DriveLock SE special. Mutual support and cooperation make the partnership work flawlessly.
DriveLock, a highly respected German Cyber Security Firm, develops its solutions to meet and exceed both current and future Industry demands. Partnering with DriveLock is the result of our increasing need for effective and future-proof cybersecurity, which our customers in turn expect from LargeNet.
We deliver an important area of IT security. DriveLock delivers German built quality products and solutions. This provides us with the confidence we need, especilly in times of the DSGVO.
BIM is a leading Swiss IT engineering company delivering meaningful digitalization with IT solutions. Our solutions fulfill one or more of these goals: The solution either makes money, saves money and mitigates risks. Innovative and quality-obsessed vendors like DriveLock are part of our secure digital transformation ecosystem, and are critical in helping us meet our solution goals.