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News, information and tips on IT security. Protect your endpoints with DriveLock's effective security solution.


Person browsing a dark net

5 min read

The Dangers and Benefits of Using the Dark Web

The darknet, also known as the dark web, is a hidden part of the internet that cannot be accessed via normal search engines such as Google or Bing....

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Supply chain management process on the tablet

3 min read

Guarding Your Business: How to Defend Against Supply Chain Attacks

In an age of increasing digital interconnectedness, businesses find themselves constantly on guard against a wide array of cyber threats. Among...

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A code blocked by a lock

9 min read

From Myth to Malware: The Evolution of Trojan Horse Viruses

In the vast landscape of cybersecurity threats, few adversaries have proven as cunning and adaptable as the Trojan horse virus. Like its namesake...

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Green computer code

7 min read

10 Strategies to Protect Against Malware Attacks

In today's interconnected digital landscape, the threat of malware looms large. From viruses and worms to ransomware and spyware, malicious software...

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Hacker in front of the computer

12 min read

15 different types of cyberattacks

In this relentless digital battlefield, businesses and organizations are pitted against a multitude of adversaries ranging from individual hackers...

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Wooden dices with news sign on them

2 min read

2021.1 DriveLock release offers many improvements and enhancements

Our first release in 2021 introduces many new features and gives our customers and interested parties an outlook on where we are heading with...

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Woman in glasses looking at the code

3 min read

EDR - the Sherlock Holmes of cyber security

In our last blog post " Silent hacker attacks and the need for detection mechanisms" we talked about covert cyber attacks and the need for detection...

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Woman wearing glasses

3 min read

Silent hacker attacks and the need for detection mechanisms

Again and again, we read about hacking incidents where attackers can spy on a company, an authority or a ministry and remain unnoticed for months...

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Safety first banner

6 min read

13 tips to improve IT security while working from home

From one of our previous post, "Coronavirus calls hackers to the scene", we are already informed about basic precautions and protection measures we...

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Hacker in front of computer after breaking in

2 min read

The Coronavirus gives hackers more freedom to infiltrate your network

In recent weeks, the coronavirus has become the main topic for the global population, health authorities, politicians and organisations. For hackers,...

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